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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
GLASO germany 12
germany 8
HELLA-germany 3
HENEST germany 7
HOLZ germany 6
HSH germany +square 11, 35
KAISERHOFF germany +squares 35
LILI germany's no.1 +woman 3
MAXX LIFE germany 6
MODA germany 37
MODA germany +square 21
MORI-MED germany 3
NAMASTE germany 39, 42
Q aqua germany 3
RENA germany 8
ROBUST germany +triangles 7
ROBUSTA germany +triangles 9
ROLLON germany 6
RUDI KELLERNER germany 9, 11, 16, 20, 21, 25
SKC germany 19
TALBRO germany 8
TOP germany +square 7, 8
TRV germany 12
VEMO auto electric germany 7, 9, 11, 12
WAGENER germany 8
XNOBER germany 12
federal germany +triangle 11
COLGATE germdefense 3
germend 5
germfree self dry hand gel 3, 5
ZOONO germfree 24 +oval 5
germicide gargle WOKADINE 5
PP brand phenyle germicide 3
SAIFEN liquid germicide 5
ANKUR germinating ideas 9
METAHELIX M germinating hop 31, 42
germkill BATTERY 32
DOMESTOS kills known germs 5
EVOREL-gest 5
get asli! +lemon & leaves 32
get set go 39
AMAR get up ayurvedic 5
ATOMIC get set your path 25
C pune get involved... 16
DHAN DHANA DHAN get rich 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
EMMACULATE cut flab get fit 16
ENSPARC let's get better 9
EXPAND SM ERP get set grow 42
GILLETTE best a man can get 3
GM MATRIMONY get marry +ova 45
HARSHA what you don't get 11
HARSHA you dont get elsewar 21
MY ESPACE.NET get in touch 9
NIIT career edge get the ed 16
POPCORN club get in 16
POPCORN club get in +circle 16
PROZONE get a life 10
REALLAM simply get real! 19
SET WET get fair cream +man 3, 41
SMASH get noticed +bull 25
SYKZ let's get started 16
wear BARE get lucky 25
GOLD FLAKE golden getaways 9
getit B2B 16
getit B2C 16
RELIANCE geto giant eagle 42
AQUANTUS as pure as it gets 32
LEGNO as good as it gets 19
getwell hospital +cross han 44
getwell soon HOSPITAL 41, 42
NE getwell +circle & oval 7
gew CANESR 7
gew GLIDER 11
BHOOMI wood-fired geyser 11
HOTPOINT instant geyser 11
SHAKTI friendly geyser 11
SUNRISE geyser +lines 11
SURYARATH water geyser 11
ANU solar geysers +sun drop 11
PURE HOT gas geysers +drop 11
gf +pentagon with circles 30
gf GEM EXPORTS +squares 24
gf GOKUL fashions 24
gf GRACE FAB +circle 24
gf GUARNIFLON +square 17
gf haritmev jeevanam +trees 31
gf plus 11
FABRIKING gf +hexagon 12
FABRIKING gf +hexagon plant 20
GEORG FISCHER gf +cross 9, 11
GEORG FISCHER gf +crosses 1, 11
GEORG FISCHER +gf+ 3, 6, 8, 17, 19, 20
OSMO-gf 5
PUDIN HARA gfizz tablet 5
gfl +triangle & arcs 16
GORE-gfo 17
gg 30
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